How to conduct keyword research

Conducting Keyword Research


Defining Keywords

Keywords are terms or phrases entered by consumers into search engines to locate products or information. For instance, typing "chiropractor in fremantle" into a search engine constitutes a keyword phrase.

Understanding Keyword Research

Keyword research, integral to Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), entails identifying and assessing popular search terms and phrases. The aim is to pinpoint high-demand keywords with minimal competition within a specific niche.

Once identified, strategic integration of these keywords across your website enhances its visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs), leading to increased traffic.

Importance of Keyword Research

Keywords signal to search engines the nature of your business, niche, and offerings. Optimal keyword usage improves search engine ranking, resulting in greater organic traffic. Notably, the top result on Google captures around 32% of clicks, highlighting the significance of effective keyword utilisation.

Guidelines for Keywords

  • Opt for keywords with high search volume and low competition.
  • Target keywords with over 1000 monthly searches.
  • Consider synonyms for highly competitive terms.
  • Embrace long-tail keywords for better ranking prospects.
  • Incorporate multiple relevant keywords to maximise impact.

Steps for Keyword Research

1. Establish Broad Topics

Begin by outlining general categories relevant to your niche. These categories serve as the foundation for identifying specific keywords. Aim for simplicity, listing 5 to 10 topics that resonate with your target audience's interests.

2. Expand with Customer Phrases

Under each category, brainstorm phrases customers might use when searching for related products or information. Utilise insights from website analytics tools to enrich your keyword pool, fostering targeted research.

3. Explore Related Terms

Diversify your keyword inventory by exploring related search phrases. Leverage Google's suggestions, tools like AnswerThePublic, or keyword planner tools to uncover additional relevant terms.

4. Assess Keyword Strength

Evaluate potential keywords using tools like Google Keyword Planner or paid platforms such as Ahrefs or Semrush. Focus on search volume and competition levels, aiming for high demand coupled with manageable competition.

5. Gauge Industry Ranking

Analyze your competitors' presence on SERPs for key terms. Adjust your strategy accordingly, emphasizing long-tail keywords if prominent competitors dominate generic search terms.

6. Verify Search Intent

Ensure alignment between user intent and content relevance by assessing search results for your chosen keywords. Understanding consumer intent enhances engagement and bolsters search engine ranking.


How can I improve my keyword research skills?

Track performance metrics and leverage analytics to refine your strategy. Utilize resources offered by platforms like Mailchimp and Semrush to stay informed about SEO best practices.

Are there free options for keyword research?

Numerous free tools like Google Trends, Keyword Surfer, and Moz's Keyword Explorer provide valuable insights for keyword research, eliminating the need for costly subscriptions.

How do I maintain keyword rankings?

Stay updated on algorithm changes and continuously optimise your content. Identifying emerging trends and refreshing existing content ensures sustained keyword rankings amidst evolving search engine dynamics.